ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು ಪಬ್ಲಿಕ್ ಸ್ಕೂಲ್

(Unit of BPS, Premium Play Home/Day care)
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified School
Managed by F.J.S Educational Trust (R) Recognized by Government of Karnataka
School Timings
Play Group : 8-45 A.M. to 12-00 P.M.
Std I to X :- : 8-45 A.M. to 3-30 P.M. (Mon-Fri)
8-45 A.M. to 12-30 P.M.(Sat)
Note :-
Timings may be changed with prior notice only.
Late comers may be sent back to their homes at the cost and responsibility of the parents.
The late coming of a student will be recorded at the page ‘late coming record’.
Housing System (Club)
The whole school has been divided into four houses viz. Daisy House, Tulip House, Lily House & Tansy House. On every alternative Saturday, two periods have been set for House assembly.
During the last Saturday of the month, inter house competitions like painting, poem recitation, debate, one act play, fancy dress, G.K. quiz, instrumental & vocal music, dance, mono acting etc. are regular features.
School Rules
Come to school in clean and proper uniform with shoes well polished.
Be regular in attendance. When you reach the class before 8 a.m. you must do your studies your-self.
Never be late to school, otherwise action may be taken.
Have sportsman-spirit at all times, be fair and honest at work and always be considerate to the rights of others.
Be courteous and respectful to parents, teachers and visitors.
Keep the class-room and school neat and tidy; and throw the waste papers etc. into the Dust Bins.
Reach the class room as soon as recess is over.
You must not bring articles of value such as gold rings or other pieces of jewellery to the school. The school will not be held responsible for the loss of such articles.
The students should carry relevant books/note-books according to the time table. The extra books are not allowed.
Students should not bring crackers, colours, toys, gadgets, transistors, mobile phones, camera etc. in the school.
Change of residential address or that of telephone no. should be intimated immediately to the school for necessary action.
Leave Rules
Absence without leave application is seriously viewed and in case of absence for six days continuously; the name of the student shall be struck off the rolls. He/She may be Re-Admitted after he/she pays all the dues with fresh admission fee and that too at the discretion of the Principal.
For sanction of leaves for absence, a note may be made in Diary, at page “Leave Application”.
Absence because of illness must be supported with a medical certificate. Students attending the school after suffering from an infectious disease must produce a fitness certificate from the authorised doctor.
Teaching Methodology
student-centric and innovative, integrating and weaving in the school's philosophy
Healthy student-teacher ratio, to optimise teaching-learning process.
Use of themes and projects to develop higher order thinking and stimulate creativity.
Use of modern and conventional tools and methods of teaching and learning.
Large number of Co-scholastic activities that provide wide and varied exposure.